Tagify has stopped working - looks like an issue with cloudflare/unpkg.com?

Wappler: 5.2.2
OS: MacOS M1
Server: PHP/MySQL

I’ve just noticed Tagify has stopped working. This is what the console shows:

ReferenceError: Tagify is not defined
    at n.render (dmxTagify.js:7:5428)
    at n.constructor (BaseComponent.js:21:1)
    at n (appConnect.js:635:1)
    at n.constructor (formElement.js:5:1)
    at n [as constructor] (appConnect.js:635:1)
    at e.hasOwnProperty.e.constructor (appConnect.js:665:1)
    at new n (appConnect.js:635:1)
    at n.$addChild (BaseComponent.js:190:1)
    at n.<anonymous> (BaseComponent.js:297:1)
    at Object.walk (dom.js:186:1)

It looks like the includes are not loading…


Is it possible to have these stored locally instead?

Is anyone else having the same issue?

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unpkg is down, none loaded from them works right now. Their “down” status page is even down

Aah, that’s what I thought.

Some urgency for having the scripts stored locally me thinks.

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I’m also planning to not rely on these services anymore, it happens quite often that stuff that out of our control are down

It’s a pain relying on the tagify library’s breaking changes and unpkg - time to go local

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It’s just returned and is working again.

@George, can we have the option to store these scripts locally? These outages are causing problems.

yes we will provide local options in later updates.

unpkg is working all fine now - normally they never have problems and using CDN has a lot of speed advantages.


Jsdelivr is way more reliable as CDN. They have better infra in place.

The perfect solution in my view is to use a CDN but have a fallback if that’s not available. Storing the scripts with everything else is fine and then just use them when the CDN isn’t available. Would that be possible?

I’m still getting issues on unpkg:

Just keep spinning…

Weirdly, it doesn’t like dev tools being open when navigating directly to unpkg or on a page that uses the script