Tagify Add Custom dynamic event runs without waiting for a custom value - v6.3.0 Beta AC2

Wappler Version : 6.3.0 Beta Channel
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

The dynamic event to add custom values dmx-on:add in a tagify component should wait for a custom value to be added / available in the tagify input field before running / executing the page flow.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

The dynamic event runs as soon as the Modal, which includes this tagify component, is displayed on the page. The event runs without waiting for any user input. I have included a screenshot below showing the IDs that have been added automatically to the database.

I think the error is happening due to this dynamic binding dmx-bind:value="dd_list_warranties.data.retailer_id"

How to reproduce

I have included below the code for the tagify input field.

<input is="dmx-tagify" id="upd_retailer_id" name="retailer_id" class="form-control form-control-sm" dmx-bind:data="sc_list_item_retailers.data.rpt_list_item_retailers" tag-text="retailer_name" tag-secondary="retailer_address" tag-value="retailer_id" required="" max-tags="1" min-chars="0" highlight-first="true" mode="select" dmx-on:add.debounce:500="flowNewRetailer.run({isCustom: $event.isCustom, retailer_name: $event.value})" dmx-bind:value="dd_list_warranties.data.retailer_id">