Table rows and columns collapse when search input value is invalid


I added an input text field to perform search on database fields being displayed in a table. The search function is working correctly when input value matches with the target field value.

However, when an invalid value is entered (validation rule - letters only), e.g. numbers instead of letters, rows and columns in the table collapse, showing just the column headers. The same happens when input value in the search field doesn’t match with any target database field values.

I have attached a video of this issue. Any assistance in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.

Could use a show hide conditional region on the page where you hide the table if no results are returned and display a no results paragraph ‘No results to display’ for example… And on the flip-side show the table if it contains results…

Thanks @Dave for pointing me in the right direction.

I have added dmx-show dynamic attribute to the main table and a conditional <div> to show or hide a message based on whether search results are returned or not returned. It’s not showing the collapsed table anymore :slight_smile: