Table duplicated on edit

Oh thanks. By the way has anyone said that when you alter a responsive table in the generator it does this? I noticed I had to start over if I wanted to alter.


Is that when you click the ‘Run’ button? I’ve never had problems with that.

Well what element do you select when editing it? I also have never seen this? Maybe make a short video demonstrating the issue.

I don’t have a screen recorder installed, maybe recommend one. basicall I create a responsive table


click the run button (i don’t even have to alter it, just hit ok
Then again

We are going to check this.

If you’re on a Mac, QuickTime Player is built-in and has a good screen recorder.

:grinning: I’m a windows guy

I also occasionally having this bug. As workaround I use App Structure or DOM to move the responsive table div outside and delete the extra.

Doing this without letting us know you have a problem means it’s unlikely we solve it, as we are not aware of this issue.

What Wappler version are you using?

seems to be fine now in my case FYI

I’m seeing this in 3.8.2. I “thought” it was fixed but maybe you haven’t addressed it yet

I cannot replicate this. Maybe provide a short video or step by step explanation how to reproduce this.

I just made a responsive table. Make an edit and it duplicates