& Symbol getting turned into & server side Nodejs project

Wappler Version : 4.6.0
Operating System : Window 10
Server Model: Nodejs
Database Type: MYSQL
Hosting Type: Local Host + Docker

Expected behavior

Before I updated to Wappler 4.6.0 this was what the output was of my Set value when using the & symbol
This happens once I edit the Set Value after my recent Wappler 4.6.0 update.
Not sure if this is a bug or what but for now it's breaking my api call and I can't seem to move forward with any Set Values the that has the "&" symbol in the expression.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?
The "&" symbol in a My Set Value expression is getting converted to the literal code "&amp" and this is breaking my API call.

How to reproduce

  • Create two Set values and call them anything and add any values to them. For example,
    Set value 1, named >> pageToken with a value of pageToken.
    Set value 2, named >> key with a value of key.
    Then Create a 3rd Set Value named >> url and for it's value join both pageToken and key with the "&" symbol like so

Once you select it you will see that is convert the & symbol to & like so

Let me know if this is a bug are if there is a work around for now. Thanks a lot.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.6.1

Thanks Teodor to you and your team. Wappler for life!

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