Swiper - Slide to Clicked Slide

I am having an issue with a looped swiper component.
When I click on any of the slides, it animates from left to right and makes that slide active.
But, this is true only for the first set, and not the repeated slides. So if I am on one of the looped slides, the slider animates from right to left to the original slide on that index.

I see that there is a param called slideToClickedSlide in the swiper api, but I don’t think that has been implemented in Wappler.
Can someone suggest me any way to enable this?
I did a rough test and it does seem to work on the library itself, just no way to get it running on Wappler.

Or @patrick if you can help?

Help here please?

Bump. @patrick

Can you show a screenshot or a short video diaplaing what and where exactly do you click as it's not really clear?

Hi Teodor.
I don’t remember ever making a video before. Hope this is usable:

So the slider starts with the second slide as active.
On click of the slide, the swiper’s selected index is set to that slide.
There are 4 slides. And rest of the cards are just fillers because I have loop enabled.

So, as you can see in the video, if I click on any slide which is part of the filler, swiper scrolls backwards, instead of forward when selected index is changed on click.
Requirement is in the main post.

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Any progress on this?


Reviewing swiper options and found this reference. I could see using this functionality in something I’m working on