SweetAlert2 integration

I know we have bootbox, notifications, alerts and toasts. But they all lack something.

It’s never enough if you don’t have sweet alert :slight_smile:

It’s one of the most comprehensive alerts libraries out there.

It has its own bootstrap theme and built-in accessibility.

It includes modals and toasts(not full blown) alerts in the same package so it could easily replace bootbox and notifications with one library. Although not implying that they should be removed from Wappler.

It’s just a better library all in all :slight_smile:

Got to admit love the animation on the success

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Supporting this in Wappler would be great.

I agree, please team make this happend.
I really love the animations, are really cool.

I, on the other hand, removed my vote from my own feature request. This is so easy to implement as a custom extension thst is not worth the team’s time.

Yes it esay, but nothing like have native options to show modal, alerts, etc with Dynamic Events out ot the box, wihout to use flows or custom javascript for each use.

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Thought the same, but also think about the integration within the flow pickers, bindings etc.

We can code this by hand, but it would be beneficial for the Wappler environment, what else is the point of a no-code/low-code environment?


As I’ve stated several times in the past the team should focus on the desktop app and extensibility and leave things that the community can do to the community.

The team is clearly stretched out and it’s noticeable from the amount of game changing features that they are releasing. Two years ago they released a big feature at least once every month or two. Now they are just incremental.

And the community is clearly asking for UI improvements and changes. So why waste time in integrating JS libraries that need maintaining, updating when that can be done by the community.

They just need to focus on UI and extensibility. The rest will come on it’s own.


I think with new version 5.5.0 this is now possible.
Anyone up for doing it?
Maybe we need a real functional example and then probably we can do it our self.



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I got hired last week.




I wouldn’t mind working on this for free if I used it personally on my projects, but I don’t anymore.

I could build and release it if there is enough interest and/or I figure out a way to make this sustainable to handle features, bugs and updates.

But, as a product and a community, are we there?

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Hmm I am thinking of building and releasing the components I need, but don’t look forward to maintenance.

I’ve never contributed to an open-source project but I do know that needs to be managed as well.

Ideally I’d build something that fits my needs, and someone else can just update it if they want to. And this way have a wide range of components that are pretty up to date.

But again, I think the caveat is the moderating/managing of it. If I build the initial version and someone wants to update it through a pull request, then I’d have to check the update which costs time and that extension might not be relevant to me at all at that moment.

Using something else now?


Modified version of bootstrap toasts. Trying to avoid modals as much as I possibly can.


Let’s create our components, and lighten the workload of the Wappler team with these requests. This component should be simple to do on the front end. I’m going to start tomorrow.


It’s dead simple. The API is very simple.

The only thing I didn’t look into at the time was integrating them with AC flows, AKA dmx.Action.

UI support is not available yet though. I guess it will be added in future iterations of AC extensibility with dmx.Formatter and dmx.Attribute, right @George?

yes the additional extension components like formatters, dynamic attributes and flows will be added one by one in the next updates