
Here causing problems :eyes:

Svelte and svelte-kit are on another whole level. Although they still have a small ecosystem and slow adoption.

But no wonder why it’s one of the most admired frameworks just behind Phoenix for Elixir which is also impressive in its own way.

Will be interesting to see if this rivals React from what I’ve seen Svelte is faster and way nicer code compared to React but the main advantage React has is been backed by Facebook the community is so large with all the custom libraries etc

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Apparently Svelte 5(to be released) is faster than SolidJS. For reference, Solid is considered one of fastest (if not the fastest) frameworks among popular ones.

They onboarded @trueadm (ex-reactjs core) at Vercel and put him to work on Svelte. And the performance increase is the result.

Svelte will eventually get there in ecosystem. But just remember that Svelte is not a framework, it’s a compiler. So ecosystem limitations are not really such because you can always resort to vanilla JS. Any JS library will work with svelte without much work.

A quick example using typewriterjs library:

import Typewriter from 'typewriter-effect/dist/core';
export function typewriter(node, strings) {
	const typewriter = new Typewriter(node, {
			autoStart: true,

	return {
		destroy() {
//your svelte component/page

	import { typewriter } from './action.js';

<h1 use:typewriter={['Hello', 'World', 'From', 'Action']} />

Another thing I found interesting is some of Facebooks smaller sites are starting to use Svelte along with Apple Music using it. You’d think with Facebook creating React they’d use it as much as possible but maybe even they are opting for Svelte

Possibly smaller teams dedicated to new projects have some flexibility when choosing stacks. That way they can keeps tabs on what is going on and stay relevant.