Support for PostgreSQL 12+ in Docker?


Just wondering if there will be support for PostgreSQL 12+ in docker targets soon?

I only ask because ‘generated columns’ in PostgreSQL is only supported in version 12 and above.


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Hi Phil,

While this is made available in UI just FYI you can change the dockerfile in /.wappler so it runs 12.3 for instance.

Ok ta. I’ll look into that

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Will add Postgres 12 as option in the next update, but what is your use case for generated columns?

It might be more easy to just have them on the fly in App Connect.

Also the Database Manager and the underlying Knex do not support generated columns currently.
Well if you already have them they will be just recognized as regular fields.

Thanks George.

I was able to perform this particular calculation in a custom query (although seperate issue with that) but with this specific query, I feel performance will be better in the long-run with a generated column that runs the data when new data is added.

No big deal yet. But I just realised that I had that feature on MySQL but postgres only recently added it and I’ve switched to postgres.