Summernote not showing saved value beta 7

Wappler Version : 7.0.0 Beta 7
Operating System : Mac OS 14.7
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Summernote should render the saved value.

 <textarea id="inpItemDescription" name="primary_description" type="text" class="form-control no-disabled-styling" dmx-bind:value="varEzphpzDetailFormData.value.primary_description" dmx-bind:disabled="varEzphpzDisableInputs.value" is="dmx-summernote" dmx-bind:toolbar="[['style',['style']],['font',['bold','underline','clear']],['fontname',['fontname']],['color',['color']],['para',['ul','ol','paragraph']],['table',['table']],['insert',['link','video']],['view',['fullscreen','codeview','help']]]"></textarea>

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Value does not show up unless I remove summernote from the input.

How to reproduce

Add summernote in the beta on a field that has a saved value. I switched to Wappler version 6 and the value does show in summernote inputs.

Check for errors in the dev tools of your browser.

Thanks for the reply Teodor. No errors appearing though.

Please post a link to this page where we can check this. I can’t recreate such an issue locally and n my test pages.

Ok, I'll build a test page when I get a chance. Trying to get the site ready for a market in two hours and I'm still dealing with this bigger issue of not being able to send emails in production site Banging my head against the wall with Mailer on production - #25 by TwitchBlade

Thank you.