Summernote Issue

Need clarification:
SPA>>View>>> with header comprising summernote component. .()

Anytime I change a textarea to summernote and in app connect mode, the design view will dissappear (blank), until i turned it off again.

Hello Team,

I am having a similar issue. Any workaround?
Thank you!

Hello Moustapha,
You can delete the line code starting with is="…" showing the summernote, then it will be reverted to textarea. Then make it a summernote again. Issue is the missing summernote component e.g. javascript and its css may be missing from the header. So if you do the above or in your page just add another summernote component and it will refresh the missing items and everything will be alright.

Thanks for your quick reply @Bankym. Are you talking about the js path in the page header:


When I removed the is=“summernote”, I can see the js path in the header…so no need to add that again I believe?

Great, you do not need to add the js line again, it will be automatically added or refreshed when you add another summernote including its css, which you can always delete immediately in case you don’t need it.

I have tried removing and putting back the code several times but this does not solve the issue…

That was what I have done to fix my own problem, especially when you are using SPA in nodejs. But if you have an independent page, no layout and all the frameworks are loaded on the header, you will never have this issue. It means that the content page is at times losing links with the layout page or if you check the meta…route header, you may see another content page name there instead the currently opened one. When i raised it on the platform/community, no one seems to have answer to it, i had hoped that subsequent versions would fix it. Each time i see summernote or image dropzone not loaded, I refresh it by doing what i have suggested. I am sure if you publish the site, you may not see the problems again…

I have solved the issue by deleting and inserting AppConnect and BS4 components.

Thanks a lot for your time and support.

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