Summernote image upload server action


I am following the summernote image upload guide.
When i add the Summernote Image Upload action in Server Action , i see all the created steps as in photo.
I then press save and then when i browse away and come back all the steps are gone (except file upload). i repeated several times, and restarted. the steps don’t get saved.

Ok seems to be issue with the the Nesting.

If Summernote action is added First Step it breaks.

Solution is to Add a dummy action first like Set value, the add the Summernote Action. the steps will be added correctly.

What nesting? What steps do you nest?

If you see my screen shot above you can see the steps are nested. This is wrong and wont save.

Correct layout:

The steps should not be nested, they should be one after another.

That’s what i get when i insert the Summer Note Action…

It happens when it’s the first step.

If i added a dummy step and then insert summernote, it works.

It happens to me also got nested actions in image summernote

Fixed in Wappler 3.9.5

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