Summernote image upload / not displaying

I am trying to use the image upload function in Summernote

I have setup the server process and also added the options in the summernote toolbar.

Everything uploads to the server correctly but the image is not being displayed into the textarea

any suggestions on what i should check?

Can you see the image being uploaded to the server in the path listed on your screenshot?

yes, the images are getting uploaded to the web server correctly

And if you submit/save the form, does the editor actually have the image tag in content?

no, the image tag and link are not in the content when saved.

Ok, thanks we will check this.

just checking in to see if there is any update or fix?

was there any update on this issue?

The template for the summernote image upload is broken, we will fix that. You can put in the steps manually, it requires the file upload, optional an image resize and as last step you need to add an Set Value step where you set the url and output that.


Fixed in Wappler 3.9.5

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