Summernote Add-Ons - Dynamic Events

Kudos for the recent improvement to dmx-summernote with : -

  • Added mediadelete event to summernote component
  • Added also the deleted image src as event data

Now I just realized other important feature missing which is Dynamic Events for Summernote File Upload. Why it’s necessary?

  • To show loader while the state: uploading
  • To auto save the form when upload completed - this is important so that any image uploaded will have src saved into the database even when user did not manually hit submit button. There would be case when user upload the image then abandon the form without submit it. Making sure any upload to have src saved into the database is useful so that it can be properly removed using the mediadelete event.
  • To show error message or warning

Update: Also consider adding the option under On mediadelete - to save/submit the form as well because there also possibility user did not save/submit the form after the image is removed, leaving the src in the database without actual image file which has been removed.

Please consider this request.