@George, please inform your users how Wappler development will continue in your absence. I have been a .Net developer for 20 years and learned how Wappler is so much faster for development. I love using the tool. It is fun and rekindled my excitement for development. You seem to be the front person for Wappler. Do you have developers that work for you and would continue development when you retire or, God forbid, get hit by a bus? I have an opportunity to write a SaaS using Wappler, but this concerns my client. Your information is appreciated.
AI George will be uploaded into the database to continue his rule.
We are the George! Resistance is futile...
@gbudwick in all seriousness the code you create with Wappler is yours to keep and will not go anywhere (all standard for the sever model you select and the rest is pure JS and JSON). Besides I don't see George going anywhere soon...
Thank you for the kind words @gbudwick bit it is not all me alone! We have a great team of developers, rock solid company and amazing community! Wappler is great indeed mostly to its great community. We just do the humble job to build the base and follow the community wishes.
As @Cheese mentioned what you produce with Wappler is already yours and you can keep it running as long as you like. You are not dependent of us.
And as for succession it is in the family future planning
But for now I’m not going anywhere and Wappler is doing great as company.
I am available for adoption to ease the burden of any future family planning. I love to travel and would not mind learning a foreign language (as long as coffee is provided).
If you are interested, I can send you an application.
What I mean by family succession @scott and @gbudwick is that my children are on the right path already to join the family business eventually (of course if they want to!)
My oldest daughter @Sofie has already worked for Wappler’s marketing department quite a few years and is currently following Master of Communication Science study at the University of Science Twente here in Holland.
My oldest son Victor is following study for Expert of Systems and Devices and is doing great around hardware, network management and cloud computing.
My youngest son @Alexander is following 4 years study for Software Development and already speeding it up and cutting few years because it is too easy and will be moving to even university degree after that. You have probably already seen his work involvement here in the community.
And my youngest daughter Emily well she is doing great with her studies but which direction she will go we don’t know yet as she is just 14
So the family future is bright
I thought 4 years study was already university, what kind of school you Dutch people have? Is it some sort of trade school equivalent to high school?
Yes we have long but very high quality school system here in Holland.
You have indeed the middle software development school (more practical indeed specialized like a trade school) that takes 4 years and is actually good base for the most software developers to land a job afterwards usually above 20 years old.
But you can also do a high level school for software development afterwards for another 4 years, which is like university degree level.
And if you still want to learn more you can go to a even higher university to get your master of science in a year or two. But this is more of a high science and research level and less practical
You must be one hell of a proud man @George There is definitely something in the Dutch water!
Do we take is along with your family future; Wappler's future is also secured and bright for years to come?
Yep, I can vouch for Alexander. He's already done some great work for me and I'm sure will be doing more in the future.
Wappler future is also rock solid as our company is doing great, is financially very stable and profitable and has good cache reserve to secure the future. Also of course have a great product with unique proposition, market segment and an awesome community to build upon.
We are also fully bootstrapped so no external investors are bound with us. Actually I have to turn down many investors requests almost on weekly base as we don't need any investments and don't want to be dependent of external investors as this way we will only use our freedom.
We can fully focus fully on our great product and listen well to the wishes of our community. This way we achieve a steady and secure grow and not hunt unrealistic grow speed just because some investor wants to see return on their investments.
I have kept my Adobe Community Experts
t-shirt just in case. It looks like I will it now.
Anybody want the badge?
I forgot about those badges we got! Wonder if I still have mine somewhere. I know I still have a Muse Expert mug somewhere.
It's good to know you're not beholden to investors.
Do you have any plans to onboard additional developers in the near future to help improve Wappler more rapidly? I ask because it seems like many feature requests and certain defects take a long time, if at all, to get added.
My meta-read on this is @George has 4 kids of pedigree and grew a bootstrapped company in the middle of those kid-raising years. By my rough math, youngest must've been a toddler at the founding of Wappler.
Seriously how man? Like, how?