Subtables doesn't link back to ther "mother" table

I am following the excellent tutorial by @Hyperbytes . I have a bit of problem when creating a subtable. According to the video (video 41 in the playlist) it says that the link back/reference is automatically created when creating a subtable, but it's not.


Then when I try to create the reference back myself, I get an error message saying that the variable name already exists.

Why is it like this? Is this by any chance due to an update in PostgreSQL ?

By the way, when going to production with an app where I will most likely use MySQL instead, can MySQL handle these subtables or should I redefine the table to instead have e.g. separate tables for images and comments with 1:M between a page content and a comment/image?

I am grateful for any hints that might lead to my better understanding.

I think you have to click the Advanced button to view the reference, it's hidden by default


LOL. You are right! Embarrassing :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Any idea if MySQL support subtables or do I have to redesign the database?

[EDIT: Apparently MySQL doesn't support subtables]

A subtable in Wappler is basically just a table that has a reference to another table based on the id. MySQL supports that.

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Yes, they do, no problems

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