Styling a calendar event with a custom class


I’ve created a custom calendar with a database source which is working nicely.

However, I need to apply a conditional class on certain events.

To start, I created a class “event-danger” and applied a red background/text for this:

Then, I make sure the class is applied to the Calendar source:

As far as I know, the calendar event should now have red background and text.

However, when looking at the event I get this:

Does anybody know to use a custom class to apply styling to a calendar event? Am I missing something?

Have you checked:

@Teodor, thank you for the reply.

Yes I have checked it. I understand how to set a background color for the calendar event.

However, I need to dynamically set a background given a condition to alert the user this is the last event in a repeat. So I’m using class toggle for this. Before using the class toggle however, I thought it first made sense to ensure the class is working as expected.

But since I can’t get the class to display at all, I figure it won’t work in my conditional class toggle.

You can see all the dynamic properties here, including class name:

You can use expressions there.


This is what I have so far and it doesn’t look right or work:

I am not sure how to use an expression to do a conditional statement: if 1 = red background, else = no change.

Here is how to do create an if/then within an expression:
Within the expression in Code view (not Design) for bg color:
field_name == ‘Something’ ? ‘red’ : ‘blue’