Stripe Webhooks getting 404

Nice, helpful tuto.

Does anyone know why I get 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND?

Are you on PHP or NodeJS?

Have you added the webhook events?

PHP 7.3 or 7.4
Webhooks added yes:

Is there a index.php under your webhooks/stripe folder? Check in the file manager.

If not maybe delete the “stripe” folder under the webhooks and recreate them so that the index.php gets created. It is the default handler dispatcher.

There is. But we also have an index.php page too, which is our home page…

yes but this index.php is under the webhooks/stripe folder - so that is not your home page …

Anyway I see that you have entered your live website url - while you are testing your site locally.

So naturally the webhooks url will be available when you publish your site online.

A post was split to a new topic: Stripe webhooks not working in php