Stripe server side file missing?

I am trying to connect to Stripe to retrieve a checkout session. I am getting a 500 error:

    "code": 0,
    "file": "\/www\/dmxConnectLib\/modules\/stripe.php",
    "line": 5,
    "message": "require_once(\/www\/dmxConnectLib\/modules\/..\/stripe\/init.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory",
    "trace": {stripped for berevity}

I tried to copy and paste the stripe in another project to dmxConnectLib to see if that would help. It seems that Wappler deletes it from there however. I am running the latest version of Wappler.

Am I missing something obvious?

Your files on the server are up to date?

Click the publish button and check if something is missing.

Also, I see that the file is calling /www/dmxConnectLib, you have your project root folder under a www folder?

No everything is in www. I am developing locally and everything else works. I have published but it doesn’t change.
If I copy a Stripe folder from another project into dmxConnectLib - as soon as I click “Check for updates for project frameworks” it deletes the Stripe folder. So it would seem that I need to add Stripe as a project framework. The question is - how?

I have also tried to add it in the front end to see if that would add the Stripe folder. I must be missing something.

If I set up a web project with the following I can recreate this. Php, using either the Wappler server or my own server and the create a server action to retrieve a checkout session. I have entered my secret key in the Stripe Server Connect Settings and have entered a valid checkout session id.

I am still getting the error about stripe init. The file generating the error is dmxConnectLib/modules/stripe.php - specifically this line: require_once(DIR . ‘/…/stripe/init.php’);
This file does not exist on my system.

I am using Wappler version 6.0.2. Is this a bug? #stripe #wappler-general:general-bugs

@Teodor @patrick
Any thoughts on this?

To add the the question about the path - I modified the path when I posted this because it was giving a root path with all the directories on my system. The whole app runs in www so the path is not the issue.