What could be the expected value for Intent
property in Server Connect’s Retrieve Payment Intent Stripe Component?
According to Stripe docs only the client_secret is required.
What could be the expected value for Intent
property in Server Connect’s Retrieve Payment Intent Stripe Component?
According to Stripe docs only the client_secret is required.
When the Payment Intent is created, the client_secret is also created. This is the client_secret that can be used when retrieving the payment Intent.
That’s exactly what I am trying to do @ben:
I want to retrieve an earlier created Payment Intent by it’s client_secret. However, the “Intent” field is required according to Wappler and I can’t figure out which value to put in there.
Tthe Payment Intent is retrieved when the Payment Intent’s id is put in the “Intent” field: Then the payment intent is retrieved successfully.
However, retrieving the same Payment Intent with the client_secret doesn’t work: The “Intent” field is required and putting in the id there whith the client_secret field also set throws an error.
There are a couple of ways to get the client_secret if you need it
Having said that, if all you need is the relevant Payment Intent, why not use the second method where no client_secret is required. You can filter the list to your heart’s content.
Thanks again @Ben.
I always use Postman to test my APIs first to make sure my syntax is correct. Stripe also has a set of pre-made apis so that you can easily test. FYI