Stripe - equivalent elements when upgrading from v6.8 to 7b14

Hi All,

I am going through the process of upgrading a project from v6.8 to v7b14. I have updated code for most of the elements that were incompatible between the two versions, except code / elements used for the Stripe Integration.

I have been using dmx-stripe-payment-method in v6.8, but this element is not displaying the Card input in v7b14.

The payments are one-off. I don't save and use Credit Card details for any future payments. The current workflow is:

  1. Collect the customer and order details (prices, products are not maintained in Stripe).
  2. Collect the Card Details - Create a Payment Intent that charges customer's Credit Card with ordered amount
  3. An order is created once the payment has been successful.

Help needed:

  1. What's an equivalent Stripe element in v7b14?
  2. I have tried dmx-stripe-card element, but when creating a Payment Intent, it generates an error required_payment_method, which means payment_method_id is missing. But this was not an issue with the previous Stripe integration.

Could someone please help me in updating the Stripe integration to v7b14? This is greatly appreciated.

Current stripe element - code and screenshot.

<dmx-stripe-payment-method id="inputStripe" hide-postal-code="true" display="tabs" icon-style="solid" payment-methods="card"></dmx-stripe-payment-method>

dmx-stripe-payment is the replacement for dmx-stripe-payment-method. You also need dmx-stripe-elements on your page.

The dmx-stripe-card should not be used for new websites, Stripe recommends upgrading them to the Payment Element.
Upgrade your integration | Stripe Documentation

Seems that we are missing a good step by step documentation for the stripe elements, an overview of the new elements can be found here:
Stripe Elements Overview - Docs / Ecommerce - Wappler Community


Hi Patrick,

Thank you for the information. In the absence of a good step-by-step guide on integrating the new Stripe Elements for at least with 2 or 3 common scenarios, we have had to revert to the now deprecated Stripe components in both new and upgraded projects or leave the projects at the previous stable version of Wappler. While this is not an ideal decision, it helps keep the projects operational.

We value your great support and look forward to your guidance to help us transition and create better apps.