Stripe: Delete Subscription Bug

Wappler Version : 6.8.0
Operating System : Mac OS
Server Model: Node.js
Database Type: Postgres (DO Cluster)
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

Delete subscription on Stripe

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

500 code error
Screenshot from 2024-08-09 14-51-08

How to reproduce

Try to delete subscription (not subscription item)

Searching in the Stripe API docs, the delete subscription method is cancel not del:

In the stripe.js module file, line 4649, I changed from del to cancel and it worked.
del method is used to delete subscription_item

Can you guys (@Teodor, @patrick ,@george), confirm if this fix is correct?

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Yes that is fine. We will implement the fix in next updates.

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Hello @george, this was fixed in the last update?

@George any update on this?

August 2024!! are we waiting the birthday?