Stripe Create Customer Balance Transaction does not save Description property

Wappler Version : 6.5.1 stable
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

When using a Stripe Create Customer Balance Transaction action, the Description property should be sent to Stripe in the POST.

Actual behavior

The description property is not included in the server api json

How to reproduce

In an API add a Create Customer Balance Transaction action and fill in a value for Description. Note in the code it will not be included with the other options.

If I manually add description to the code, the action works and sends description.

                "name": "createCustomerBalanceTransaction",
                "module": "stripe",
                "action": "createCustomerBalanceTransaction",
                "options": {
                  "customer": "{{stripe_customer_id}}",
                  "currency": "{{retrieveCheckoutSession.currency}}",
                  "__extra": {
                    "stripe_account": "{{connected_account.stripe_account_id}}"
                  "amount": "{{retrieveCheckoutSession.amount_total*(-1)}}"
                "outputType": "object",

Bump…I think this impacts ANY Stripe action that has a “description” property.

@mebeingken, I’d love your thoughts …

I get balance transactions and other objects just from a simple API call which I can completely control… is there any advantage in using the Wappler GUI instead? :thinking:

Found the problem - it was just a generic setting of fields with the name “description” it will be solved in the next update

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I use api actions when the Wappler actions fall short, but I generally find the Stripe integration is faster as it takes care of the end point, api key, method, etc. plus I don’t have to find the property names or set connect headers. And lastly, all the actions are preset with their output so no need to drop that in.

So I default to the integration as it saves me time and reduces mistakes and then build an api action if needed…like when I want an expandable object.


Fixed now in Wappler 6.5.4

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