Stripe Buy Now - Customised attributes

Hi all,
I'm working on the payment area of my site which I think should be fairly straight forward as there is a single checkout option for all customers at the same price.

My approach is to use the stripe buy now button across all items. I then intend to pass through the UUID of the associated record at purchase and use the webhook to update the database and mark the record as available.

Having review the stripe docs (After a payment link payment | Stripe Documentation) I understand this is possible via the client-reference-id parameter

Natively these attributes are not available in the wappler interface


Therefore, I have manually added them in via the code below:

This works if I hard set the email and reference, however, when I attempt to link to the fields in my Bootstrap table, its not passing through. (Using {{email}} )

However, if I use {{email}} within a paragraph within the same cell, thats working as I expected.

Can anyone provide a pointer on how to pass the email and UUID into the relevent attributes?

the expressions you are using are wrong.


is not a valid app connect expression. To make an attribute dynamic you need to add dmx-bind: in front of it and then enter the dynamic expression without the {{ }} around:


Please check if this works, we will add these to the buy button component in the next updates.

Also please paste your code directly in the topic - it's easier to read/copy than from screenshots.

Thanks Teodor, thats worked perfectly :+1:

I'll ensure code is added as text going forward also.