Strange database behaviour

Hi everybody,
I’m a bit confused - Let me explain

(Mac Book Pro M1 - Wappler 5.8.2)

This morning I started working on a new feature for my web app (NodeJS / Bootstrap 5 / Postgresql / Docker).
I created 3 brand new tables and 1 subtable and 3 seeds.

Then my app is no longer working correctly in localhost : missing some BS styles, assets (images mostly), and some datas are not displayed anymore…
It seems all my last modifcations (pages and API Server Connect) from the past days are available.

I tried to delete the docker container and redeployed with the same result.
There is something very strange with the DB view > no more sub-tables neither multi-relationship tables.

For example Intervention table is the main and the other are sub tables and were not displayed like this yesterday in wappler (even before I added the 4 tables)

The tables already exist, the queries with subtable still open new screen on click.
My DB changes are available.

I tried redeploying after pasting a dump sql from my remote target with the same result (I assume i don’t care about the localhost testing data, and it would be better to work from remote production copied data).

I did not updated Wappler recently since update are about v6 - 24 extensions are pending.

My online app is running perfectly currently.
(I can work in local with a copy off my production DB - I have a dump)

Any help appreciated.
Many thanks.

I just tried the “Shut down and clear all services” button and the database structure looks good - just like it was.

An other strange thing, my styles and icons are not available anymore…


It should be the same as remote

My theme manager is setted as it should and was

Same for the frameworks…

I had a Docker update this morning, and a mac update BUT after this strange behaviours.
Any idea :thinking: