SSI: Include file not showing in design view


I have followed the tutorial to move a navbar from index.php into a Server Side Include: header.php

This is working well and I can see the header on index.php in design view.

However, when I open header.php, I only see the below instead of the NavBar:

Those are the first lines of code of header.php:

and the frameworks seem to be installed on header.php:

Can you please advise how I can see and edit header.php in the design view?

Much appreciated

Have you tried without the condition in case that’s the issue?

which condition are you referring to please?

Rather than removing the conditional region, you could just disable it temporarily - eg if you type a character in front of is="dmx-if" (eg Xis="dmx-if") and the page displays correctly, then you know it’s the condition which is the issue.

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Awesome, great catch. thank you @TomD!

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You can also try to disable app connect mode:
