I am starting to use SQLite with my node site for the first time. Install was a bit bumpy but working through the how to and other user’s post with problems I have the db up and can access and edit it.
As a test I added a users table with 1 record and created a server action to delete this record. I get this error and the record is not deleted:
{“status”:“500”,“code”:“SQLITE_ERROR”,“message”:“delete from users
where id
= 1 - SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: users”,“stack”:“Error: delete from users
where id
= 1 - SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: users”}
Like I said the table is visable and editable through Wappler and 3rd party db apps.
Am I maybe getting this error because I want to use a mysql and sqlite database on same site?
I tried deleting and recreating and when I go into project settings there is only an option for a single database.
I want to use sqlite for temporary calculations and manipulations users mainly do in front end and then save it to the “permanent” mysql db.
Maybe it is limitation of Wappler - would be great if someone can let me know if it is possible/impossible for 2 db’s on same site before I again spend hours trying to get it working.
Ok, read from some other posts and requests and see it is not advised to run multiple databasis on Docker.
Whether it is a limitation of Wappler or not, I will try find another solution
Found some good insights in this post. For interest sake moved my db to the db folder and do not get an error but also no server db actions work or at least the queries return nothing in the browser. When creating the query and clicking the new see query results I do see them:
Dropping it in the app folder like @patrick suggested did the trick