SQL Update

Here is my dilemma,
My server is currently running mySQL 5.6
I need to update to either:
mySQL 5.7
MariaDB 10.3

My concerns are:
Will my databases still work that are connected through Wappler ?

Has anyone done any of these updates who could advise?

Should be straight forward with no issues. BACKUP first though (your data) as you can not roll back the update and at least that way you have your schema and data all intact while you debug any issues (but should be fine). I’d stick with the DB you are currently using, ie if you’re using MySQL stick with MySQL. You can always convert later on if you really want to for whatever reason… And you know everything is working as it should… :wink:

cheers @Dave my server maintenance want to upgrade from Centos 6 to Lentos 7 which I believe runs the MariaDB 10.3.
Do you know if there much required for converting SQL to MariaDB

Mariadb 10 works fine with Wappler.

Take note of this post which has a setting that may still be needed


I’m purely MySQL here so unfortunately am unable to offer any advice there. Never had any reason to switch as everything runs smooth and quick for our requirements. Carrying out too many changes at once can represent a whole host of issue as you won’t be able to keep track of all the changes. So best off to do one thing at a time. CentOS 6 EOL is scheduled for the end of November so the upgrade is necessary for bug fixes and future releases and support. I’ve not used Lentos so again can offer no advise there but maybe others can help you out in that regard?

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we are using MariaDB for couple of our projects. no problems with Maria on Wappler vis-a-vis MySQL.

Migration is a different ball game, you’d want to run tests in staging environment before you move to prod.
detailed list of differences between the two is here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/incompatibilities-and-feature-differences-between-mariadb-103-and-mysql-57/

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