SQL : Possibility to choose what to return

Hey, I had a quick idea that I think could be useful for others too…

I’m using “database update” component a lot in the backend and i like to return not only the id of the record but the whole data of the record. Since there’s no option to choose what to “RETURNING *” in the database update component, i manually go in the code editor and do it myself or end up using “database custom query” but anyways, you get the idea.

The reason is because i like to return the updated record to update my inputs and variables with fresh data.

Thanks a lot!

bump? pretty eyes

Pretty sure a few people using postgresql would love to save a db query on every insert/update :sweat_smile:

Yes, actually this feature is available in PostgreSQL, and a similar approach exists in MSSQL(output) . This feature could be useful for Wappler users. However, it might be necessary to ask @George whether this feature can be added to Wappler.

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Actually, it is "kind of" available... When you open a workflow with the code editor and change the "return" value to "*", it works... The thing is that since it ain't supported by wappler, if you edit your workflow with the normal editor, it overwrites the "*" to the numeric id. :slight_smile:

I think you can proceed by using a custom query until the Wappler team addresses this issue ..