Sms api

There someone to know if there a SMS gateway that provide unlimited plan in your expirience.Thanks

I’ve never seen one. They generally work on a credits system.

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we are voip and sms provider in Turkey . There is no that provides unlimited or free plans.

Thanks a lot for your replay. have a nice day.

They all cost money...

We also went the SMS route in the beginning.. but soon the pricing started to add up!!! was not cost effective anymore... so we opted to go for the Whatsapp API instead.. way more cost effective and sending out 10 000 + messages without an issue.

Go see this post..

Thanks a lot!!! sound better. thanks again

Did you was able to send over whatsapp doing an API in wappler? just to confirm

Your can do this using


yup. See my post above… its an API that can do both … whatsapp and sms …

Clickatell’s can be use with wrappler as an API? any one did that already?

yes... see this

I am following the information in the link. What I have to place in JSON Data? where can I place the API key and other information from