I have tried to a single record query by hard coding the userid name in the Querybuilder, but it just displays the form with empty record. How can I debug this. I have turned on debugging, but not sure where the debug log is goinng. I also have the following error on my browser debug console:
DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://www.locatemedical.com/app/bootstrap/4/js/bootstrap.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
That's how to debug server connect issues:
The missing .map file warning is not related a d not a problem at all.
It is not showing any errors in the browser Network XHR. How can I get the browser to display the sql output from the server action and steps?
Click the open in browser button in server connect panel
This is what I got:
{“querybyuserid”:{“options”:{“connection”:“PGconnection1”,“sql”:{“type”:“select”,“columns”:[{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“userid”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“lastname”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“firstname”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“phone”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“email”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“password”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“question1”},{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“answer1”}],“table”:{“name”:“webuser”},“joins”:,“wheres”:{“condition”:“AND”,“rules”:[{“id”:“webuser.userid”,“field”:“webuser.userid”,“type”:“string”,“operator”:“equal”,“value”:“Jane”,“data”:{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“userid”,“type”:“text”},“operation”:"="}],“conditional”:null,“valid”:true},“query”:“SELECT userid, lastname, firstname, phone, email, password, question1, answer1\nFROM webuser\nWHERE userid = :P1 /* Jane */”,“params”:[{“operator”:“equal”,“type”:“expression”,“name”:":P1",“value”:“Jane”}]},“test”:true},“query”:“SELECT “userid”, “lastname”, “firstname”, “phone”, “email”, “password”, “question1”, “answer1” FROM “webuser” WHERE (“userid” = ?)”,“params”:[{“id”:“webuser.userid”,“field”:“webuser.userid”,“type”:“string”,“operator”:“equal”,“value”:“Jane”,“data”:{“table”:“webuser”,“column”:“userid”,“type”:“text”},“operation”:"="}]}}
It did not show me the query result in the browser?
Are you sure the debug option is not enabled for your query step? If yes, please turn it off and check the query results again.
I turned off debug and it returned: {“querybyuserid”:null}
Can you show a screenshot of how is your query set up?
removed. problem fixed. It was problem with that particular record.
The query is working, but the update is not. So I can not save changes to record. What could cause it?
Well, that’s quite a broad question. If you have issues updating database records please post a new topic with detailed description of your update setup and the error returned.
What are the steps to create an database record update form manually using Wappler? I see some examples using form generator, but I want to do it all manually. Do you have a video or documentation for update form. How do you program what action the button will perform when the submit button is pressed or clicked?