Since upgrade, getting error

Since i upgraded, i have been getting this error when trying to run a query. I have checked the query and its correct. I haven’t changed anything but the upgrade of wappler. Any ideas what this can be?

  1. fileName: “modules/api.asp”
  2. lineNumber: 7
  3. message: “An error occurred in the secure channel support\r\n”

any update or ideas on this? it seems the issue might be with the integration of the API that its trying to run

{fileName: “modules/api.asp”, lineNumber: 7, method: “send”,…}

[{url: “”, method: “POST”, dataType: “json”,…}, “api_send_email”]

The error seems to be related to an API call that is being made over https and it got an error there. Did you update the project after you upgraded Wappler? I’m not aware of any big changes in the API action, from which version did you upgrade?