Sign Upload S3 not working properly 6.3.0

======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========

Wappler Version : 6.3.0
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: Node.JS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: DigitalOcean Droplet

Expected behavior

Before upgrading to 6.3.0 S3 Sign Upload was uploading right and then modal close and form reset

Actual behavior

Once the component got the OK (200) it blocks and not even “Abort” is working.
Actions doesn’t start.

the code is:

<div id="s3upload1" is="dmx-s3-upload" url="/api/atlante/transaction/upload_file_transaction" accept=".csv,.doc,.docx,.pdf,.rtf,.txt,.zip,.rar, .mp4, .m4a, image/*" class="text-center border" autoupload="" dmx-on:success="modal_upload_transaction_file.hide();s3upload1.reset();">

Are you on stable or beta extensions channel?

I tried both and got on both


I saw that also in other page, in a Dynamic Events after changed value in input form, I got the dynamic event not loaded:

<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inp_offers_email" name="offers_email" aria-describedby="inp_offers_email_help" placeholder="Enter Email" is="dmx-autocomplete" dmx-bind:data="" optiontext="name+' '+surname+' - '+email" optionvalue="email" dmx-on:changed="selected_broker.load({filter: value})">

Hello @patrick do you find something?

Hello @patrick any development. I updated again to 6.3.3 and signed upload stopped to work

It works !