Showing a module if a field has value

I have a data query to check if a billing_phone in a database returns a value

If there is not a value in this field, i want the Module to show when the page loads.
I have tried numerous expressions but cannot get the module to load. I even cross-checked and tried to show the module if there IS a value in the field and still cannot get it to work correctly

The page is displaying a value in the field so the module should showing…correct?

If by ‘module’ you mean modal, then you are using a wrong dynamic attribute to show it.
You need to select the dynamic attribute to show the modal from under the modal category:

And not from under display > show.

damn…missed that. Okay…now how can i only show this if there is no value / empty result? I got it to show if it has value, but i only want it to display if there is no data

and yes, i meant Modal.

Just add a ! in front of the expression in code view. Like:


i tried that and it is still showing the modal even though there is a result coming back for this field

<div class="modal" id="modal1" is="dmx-bs4-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" dmx-bind:show="![0].billing_phone">

i only want the modal to show if there is no value in this field.

This seems to happen because the server action has not yet loaded its data when the modal checks if the record exists - so initially the data is always not available.
You can just extend the condition to first check when the server action loaded and then show the modal if the record is empty:

<div class="modal" id="modal1" is="dmx-bs4-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" dmx-bind:show="serverconnect1.status == 200 && ![0].billing_phone">

okay, that did work, however i don't know that i understand the logic and why the other did not work. The server data was producing a result prior to the modal show request, so why wasn't that data available?

When your page loads the server action has not yet loaded the data so that the expression ![0].billing_phone returns true, as this data is not available yet.
When the data loads, the server action returns a status of 200, so that you need it in your expression which means -> when the server connect loaded its data AND the expression returns no data -> show the modal.

okay, thank you for that explanation and help.