Show PDF Image Prior To Upload

I would like to preview the .pdf file prior to uploading it. It seems this no longer works. Is there an alternative with the newer Wappler?

The code back during DMXzone & Bootstrap 3 days prior to Wappler that I used was:

      <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1" data-binding-show="{{$FILES.file_name.dataUrl}}">

            <object data="{{$FILES.file_name.dataUrl}}" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="568">
                   <p><b>Example fallback content</b>: This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: <a href="/pdf/sample-3pp.pdf">Download PDF</a>.</p>

     <!-- /.col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1 -->
<!-- /.col-sm-6 -->

Looks like the bindings are incorrect.
Wappler needs dynamic bindings to be inside dmx-bind:

Something like dmx-bind:data="$_files..."

Although I am not sure if $files is something that is available in Wapplrler.

Yeah, this is an old file from pre-Wappler DMXzone days. The preview worked with the older code. I’m just looking for a way to rebuild it with Wappler 3.9.4 … :grinning:

You can use an image element and bind its source to your file input using the file.dataUrl.

Wow, it is easier than I thought! Thanks Ken. I check it out immediately.

Sorry, just read this is for pdf. I don’t think the image preview will work for pdfs.

The old days required it to be wrapped in an object. I’m not sure how to do this within Wappler.

Just replace the <object> with <iframe>

<iframe dmx-bind:src="[0].file_path" width="100%" style="height:100%"></iframe>