Show image in table created by bootstrap 4 table generator

I have a field in my database that has an image name in it. I want that to show up in the table as an image instead of just the file name. There must be an easy way to do this that I am missing?

And how do I make that image or that row clickable to go to a detail page? I can could create this table old school style with repeat regions etc, but the generator is such a handy tool.

Hello Baub, the generator creates exactly this:

Please check the dynamic attributes docs:

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right. So that means I can’t do it from the bootstrap 4 generator created table then? Just do it old style with the repeat regions?

From the table generator itself? No.

However, after you create the table, you can insert an anchor image and a regular image into a cell as demonstrated in the link that @Teodor posted to display the image within the table row for each result.

Add an anchor image to a cell and then add a regular image inside the anchor image.
Add a Dynamic Attribute link to the Anchor Image to go to the page you want to go to.

Add a Dynamic Attribute Image Source to the regular Image to display the image.

For whichever cell you add the image to, you would need to remove the Dynamic Attribute > Inner Text to remove the text generated by the table generator.


Baub, create your table and then just edit its contents as per the docs…

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Thanks, @Teodor thats what I did. I just didn’t know if there was a way to do it from table created from the generator.