Show collapsed Data Bindings by default

Please consider displaying Data Bindings collapsed by default. Currently it doesn’t make much sense why some are expanded and others are collapsed (query variables always expanded and there can be a lot of them, Browser expanded, etc) and we always find ourselves collapsing them to find the Data Bindings we want to select from.

Thanks for your consideration.

Well I guess it depends how much of the name you manage to type in and how unique it is. If you get it quite unique the it is nice not to have to expand!

What would be great would be if the search didn’t have a lag. Not a huge issue but would be nice.

I’m quite lazy. Joke! :slight_smile: Would just be nice to be collapsed as there is no order to what is expanded and whats not…

I think we are all quite lazy, Dave!

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This is one of those things that could be added as user choice flag through the options of the app.

Default, collapsed or remember last status. Although the last option requires additional effort.

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