Shopping Cart: Line Item Totals

I followed this tutorial and all is going amazingly well.

What I would like to do on my check out page is display item totals. Is this possible?

On my cart page I have line item totals showing as:

{{( * qty).formatCurrency("£", ".", ",", "2")}}

Is ‘product’ in your example the product ID?

So mine would be something like?:

{{( * ticket_qty).formatCurrency("£", ".", ",", "2")}}

My cart line actually pulls the data from a Data Detail region as I needed a price depending on whether the user is a member or not. So for me, it was the name of the data detail ID rather than product ID:

( * qty).formatCurrency("£", ".", ",", "2")

It was the position of the brackets that caught me out the first time as all I was getting was [object Object].

Thanks Max!

I was able to get a good hint and got pointed into the right direction and it now works!

Thanks for the direction! This worked for me!

{{(ticket_price.toNumber() * ticket_qty)}}
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