SFTP target connection test failed after using file picker to select private key file

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.18363
  • Wappler Version : 2.4.5

Problem description

SFTP target connection test failed after using file picker to select private key file.

Steps to reproduce

  1. In Project Settings, Targets, SFTP configuration, when one selects a private key file using the file picker, the path is populated in this format:

file:////[drive letter]:/[path to file]

  1. After clicking the “Test connection” button, the logs show something like “key file not found” and the test failes. I noticed in the logs that other key files are also tried (for instance /.ssh/id_rsa, but these files were specified in another format:

/cygdrive/[drive letter]/[path to file]

  1. After I changed the path to my ppk file using this format: /cygdrive/[drive letter]/[path to file], the connection test succeeded.

Note: it would be helpful to show in the UI that the password field is also used to decode the private key file.

Note 2: the “Use active” label should be hidden when selecting SFTP as access type. It is only relevant valid for FTP or FTPS. Using a label “FTP Mode” and two radio buttons displaying “Active” and “Passive” would be the most clear.

Best regards,

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Just a small question- does regular windows path work as well? Like c:\folder\key. Or maybe with backslashes like c:/folder/key

Could you try and let me know?

Using a normal Windows path like:


Does not work.

But replacing the backslashes with forward slashes, does work:


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