I was a Wappler client with the initial versions. I stopped using
Wappler because I didn’t meet certain requirements.
Now, I’m back so you can answer my questions:
a) Does Wappler provide a component that allows you to edit text and image together, similar to Microsoft Word, offering the possibility of inserting an image via file upload, without informing a url?
b) If yes, is it possible to read this data with text / html / image from the database and show it in a report or in a UI?
c) If yes, does this text editor provide a resource for inserting mathematical / physical / chemical formulas or should you create the formulas in an editor and generate an image?
2) Can you insert html templates from other platforms?
3) Suppose I found an interesting login form on the Internet. Is it possible to import the html, Javascript code and CSS of this form?
4) Does Wappler have a chat component? If so, is it possible to integrate this component with a database or is it only used for front-end interaction?
5) Is it possible to create popup for customized messages?
6) Is it possible to easily display the image of processing image (via ajax) when performing some processing, for example?
7) Is there a flexible report generator?
8) Is it possible to connect to more than one database in the same application?
9) Are the file download / upload functions very intuitive and visually pleasing?
10) Is filtering elements in a form easy to construct?
11) When you want to read a file in CSV format, for example, how is this processing performed without coding, since Wappler is low-code?
12) I saw that Wappler is generating Mobile applications. How is this accomplished? Do Mobile applications generate both the Android executable and the iOS executable? In the case of mobile applications for iOS, are they generated without the need to use an Apple platform?
13) Is it possible to change the database path after the application is published? I ask this because I have clients that use only internal applications and these cannot be accessed externally so that the application can be configured on the respective server. In this case, you must generate the application and configure it using an existing terminal on the customer’s premises.
Hi @vicentepc
Here's my stab at answering your questions...
a) Does Wappler provide a component that allows you to edit text and image together, similar to Microsoft Word, offering the possibility of inserting an image via file upload, without informing a url?
b) If yes, is it possible to read this data with text / html / image from the database and show it in a report or in a UI?
c) If yes, does this text editor provide a resource for inserting mathematical / physical / chemical formulas or should you create the formulas in an editor and generate an image?
Possibly for part of your question. There is Summernote which gives you some HTML features in a textarea. I think mathematical / chemical formulas will be trickier.
- Can you insert html templates from other platforms?
I don't think I fully understand your question. You can certainly paste HTML into the Wappler code editor.
- Suppose I found an interesting login form on the Internet. Is it possible to import the html, Javascript code and CSS of this form?
Anything shown client-side should be able to be copied, yes.
- Does Wappler have a chat component? If so, is it possible to integrate this component with a database or is it only used for front-end interaction?
No, you'd need to create one.
- Is it possible to create popup for customized messages?
Yes, Wappler uses Bootstrap 4 which has good modals and toast messages.
- Is it possible to easily display the image of processing image (via ajax) when performing some processing, for example?
You can show things while processing is happening like a spinner or progress bar. I can't see why you can't show an image in the same way.
- Is there a flexible report generator?
- Is it possible to connect to more than one database in the same application?
Yes. You can connect to any number of databases. Just create as many connections as you want.
- Are the file download / upload functions very intuitive and visually pleasing?
I think so, yes. You can create a good looking dropzone for easy uploading and how you create file lists for downloading is only limited by your imagination.
- Is filtering elements in a form easy to construct?
Yes, pretty easy.
- When you want to read a file in CSV format, for example, how is this processing performed without coding, since Wappler is low-code?
There's a server connect action for importing CSV data so it's pretty easy to set up.
- I saw that Wappler is generating Mobile applications. How is this accomplished? Do Mobile applications generate both the Android executable and the iOS executable? In the case of mobile applications for iOS, are they generated without the need to use an Apple platform?
Wappler uses Foundation7 and Cordova to built native apps for iOS and Android.
- Is it possible to change the database path after the application is published? I ask this because I have clients that use only internal applications and these cannot be accessed externally so that the application can be configured on the respective server. In this case, you must generate the application and configure it using an existing terminal on the customer’s premises.
Yes, you can change the connection settings whenever you want.