Setup Mailer Properties issue

Wappler Version : 3.9.7
Operating System : Windows 10 Pro
Server Model: PHP
Database Type:
Hosting Type: Normal (using ftp)

Expected behavior

In Sever Connect when adding a action step “Setup Mailer” file there should be options in the Properties panel like choosing between server default or manual SMTP config.

Actual behavior

Now properties panel does not show any SMTP config or server default option and in the Name field it says “empty List”:

And when I click on the Sendmail file on the left panel under API I get a error message:


How to reproduce

NOTE1: This is a website a built in 2019 with Wappler and all was fine with the Setup Mailer file before. Few months ago I build a new computer and installed Wappler 3.9.7 today, I opened the existing project and now I have this issue.

Thank you for your help.

That’s not a bug. The mailer Setup should now be done under globals not in your server connect. :wink:

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It’s been a few months already since Globals were introduced in Server Connect panel.
You should now define your mailer in the Globals and then just use send mail step in your server action. You don’t need a setup mailer step there. So please remove the setup mailer step from your server action and define it under globals.

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Thank you very much for the info!
I did not use Wappler in the last 5 months so I need to catch up I guess :slight_smile:

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The mailer under globals is fantastic! Especially if you have a few instances that use it. Change in one place changes all the actions. Came in real handy for me last week. Glad it was here. :beers:


Very interesting indeed, thank you for sharing :slight_smile: