Setting up a docker compose - again

So. I need to know if I trashed my project now and have to repeat it again.

I basically had to move all my stuff from one harddrive to another.
What I did was to transport my folder with my project onto my new harddrive.
Now when I want to create a docker compose again, it won't happen. It establishes a connection to docker but doesn't create a new compose.
What could I do?
Or do I have to have to copy paste the website into a new project and build everything from "scratch"?


P. S.:
The development environment is "Own Server".
Only the target for my database was a docker in docker desktop. This is where I cannot create a new compose somehow, when I type in every details for the DB in the Target menu and press "Save".
The connection is established to docker desktop though.

Just so you know, it's very difficult to understand your situation. Consider adding screenshots and stuff so we can see what you see. Someone may be reading your topic for the first time and isn't aware of your past help requests. I feel pretty lost :sweat_smile:


I think no

I somewhat came further with my problem.
The problem was and is the following:

  1. I only transported my folder with the wappler project to my new harddrive. I did not copy the wappler compose from docker, that's why my docker would look like that now:

  2. That's my general setup:

  3. That is my Target:

  4. When I press on publish, the following error occurs:

  5. A compose is being generated though:

  6. (Extra): When I did develop the project on my older harddrive, I don't remember publishing the project. I only had setup a compose in docker in which the DB was running, not the website itself. So there was only a "db-1" but not a "web-1" as seen in the fifth picture.

May this result in problems for me further down the road, when I now completely switch to docker with publishing, when I used to develop on my old harddrive with the setups "Own Server" and "Docker only for DB"?

Additional question:

Initially, when I developed this project on my old harddrive, the project was set to "Own Server" in the General-Tab of the projects options.
Now, when I ported it over, it automatically switched back to "Wappler Local Server" in which I had to change it back to "Own Server".
Could there result any further problems?

I can see some mess here but don't fully understand what your issue is.

Own server is used when you want to use our own server - such as WAMP/MAMP/IIS etc. locally, installed on your computer.

Wappler Local Server is the server built in Wappler.

You select the server type, when you setup your project in Wappler.

Sorry. I uploaded the wrong picture for the fourth point; here is the error:

I have this problem fixed now though, as apparently on linux the host.internal.docker for the automatically setup docker is not working and I had to change it to "localhost".

And yes, I know. But I also can change the server type afterwards, as nothing was grayed out.
Or was it wrong to do so?
Because I could indeed switch from a "Wappler Local Server" to a "Own Server" just with the "localhost" as the ip.

Okay. Now I tried to setup a local docker container for only the db.
But it won't let me deploy it:

P. S.:
I switched to Linux Mint 22; is this maybe the reason?