Setting a condition disables Toast/Alert

Wappler Version : 4.0.1
Operating System :Win10
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Toast or Alert messages don’t show in appropriate BS5 when set in a flow function (with / with no Condition).

Actual behavior

Saving Toast / Alert settings removes BS5 settings and brings us back to BS4 and freezes the page - needs Wappler to reboot.

How to reproduce

Add Toast or Alert to AC and set them up.
In Dynamic events of an on-click button, add a condition (like: if user is not logged in) then step: toast or alert.
Click save.
(there are duplicate functions in here)

As a workaround how can we use this Bootbox thing?

Your conditions seems to be an invalid expression.

What exactly are you trying to do?

If you want to add a negative not condition you should add the ! Sign in code view and not in the design view of the expression.

If you add it in the design view it will be seen as string concatenation and result in the expression above which you obviously don’t want.

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Thanks, good catch.
Although that does not seem the reason for the crash. When I save my flow function (if no userID, then show toast), my page freezes and returns to default BS4. I can’t even close the page, need to reboot.
Need a screenshot or quick video?

It is not clear to me what you mean by crash… does your browser crashes? Or Wappler?

Yes do attach a video to show the problem.

No crash per se. Wappler just freezes at the end of the process, i can’t close the page I’m working on, Wappler no longer responsive: