Session array

The following is a very simple setup to enter items into a session. Clicking ‘add to cart’ is supposed to add the item rather than replace the item.

This is my code:

  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col">
        <div class="table-responsive">
          <table class="table table-striped table-sm">
                <th>Product name</th>
            <tbody is="dmx-repeat" dmx-generator="bs4table" dmx-bind:repeat="" id="tableRepeat1">
                <td dmx-text="ProductName"></td>
                <td dmx-on:click="sessioncart.set('product',ProductName,{})">add to cart</td>
      <div class="col mt-5">
        <div id="repeatCart" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-bind:repeat="">

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hi Ben,
Add your items into an array, using the array component.
Then using the array component dynamic events > on updated > add the array value to the session.

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Thank you Teodor, I had tried that but must have done something not right. This gives me the drive to try again knowing that it should work.