Server validation not showing on client

Wappler 2.8.4 on Mac.

I have a server connect form that checks if a field already exists in the database. I’m receiving the 400 status from the server but no validation message or red input box outline.

The page has dmxValidatior.js and css loaded.

Client side validation is working and is showing red outline and messages.

<form id="signupForm" method="post" is="dmx-serverconnect-form" action="dmxConnect/api/auth/signup.php">
						<div class="form-row my-4">
							<p class="mb-2">First Name</p>
							<input id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text" class="form-control" required="" data-msg-required="This field is required. \">
						<div class="form-row my-4">
							<p class="mb-2">Last Name/Surname</p>
							<input id="lastname" name="lastname" type="text" class="form-control">
						<div class="form-row my-4">
							<p class="mb-2">Email Address</p>
							<input id="email" name="email" class="form-control">
						<div class="form-row my-4">
							<p class="mb-2">Password</p>
							<input id="password" name="password" type="password" class="form-control">
						<div class="form-row my-4">
							<button id="btn1" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Create Account</button>

Have you added the input name in the server-side validation step?

Hello, yes the field is in the validator step and also under POST/globals.

Well, you need to enter your input name in the Linked Field option. Otherwise the validator doesn’t know which input to display the validation message on.

Doh, yes you’re right :man_facepalming: Thanks, it’s been a long day

Just a suggestion, could the linked field input box either automatically placeholder the expression field or have a dynamic picker? The main reason I missed it was because the field didn’t stand out as much as the rest of the layout.

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