Server Side Validate Data and App Connect Stripe Cart Checkout Issue

Operating System: Mac Intel Sonoma 14.3.1
Wappler Version: 6.3.1
Channel: Beta
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Local Docker

I am experiencing an issue with the Server Connect Validate Data where it is returning an error that the fields have not been filled in when they have been filled in.

The validate required criteria matches the client side required criteria.

For example, the first form field is “First Name” as shown in the form:

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 6.03.49 PM
Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 6.04.03 PM

And the Server Connect > Validate Data:

Because I know @patrick likes us to output these types of things, I set a value to see if the $POST.or_billing_first_name was being received.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 6.11.41 PM

And the result was received in the browser.

I thought this was an issue with Validate Data specifically, but after further testing, it appears to be an issue with Stripe and Validate Data.

On my page, I have a button that checks out the user, it calls the Stripe Cart Checkout App Connect.

The App Connect Stripe calls the Server Connect API for the check out.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 7.01.44 PM

The validate data is the first step to be executed.

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 7.04.26 PM

I tested the following scenarios with no success.

When I change the App Connect side and make the button submit the form directly to the Server Connect, the Validate Data works as intended and the billing information is inserted into the database, however then Stripe throws an error that the $_POST.lineItems.flatten(‘prd_id’) is NULL.

When I change the App Connect side and make the button utilize the App Connect Stripe Cart Checkout and disable the Validate Data, none of the billing information is inserted into the database, but the Stripe functionality works as intended.

When I have the App Connect button submit the form and on success have the from fire off the App Connect Stripe Cart Checkout, I receive the same error $_POST.lineItems.flatten(‘prd_id’) is NULL error as above.

I think the issue may be that both the App Connect Stripe Session URL and the Server Connect Form Action are the same and that might be causing a conflict. However, I would need confirmation from those here that are smarter than me to confirm it. If that is the case, I would need guidance on the best way to insert billing information, order information, etc into the database and then submit the Stripe Cart Checkout.