Server Data Formatters - Conditional


Below is a list of Conditional data formatters available in Server Connect, accompanied by explanations outlining the purpose and functionality of each.

Conditional Formatters

Starts With:
Description: Checks if the given value starts with the specified substring.
Example: ('Hello, world!').startsWith('Hello') returns true

Ends With:
Description: Checks if the given value ends with the specified substring.
Example: ('Hello, world!').endsWith('world!') returns true

Description: Checks if the given value contains the specified substring.
Example: ('Hello, world!').contains('world') returns true

Description: Checks if the given value is between the specified lower and upper bounds.
Example: (5).between(3, 8) returns true

In Range:
Description: Checks if the given value is within the specified range (inclusive).
Example: (5).inRange(3, 8) returns true