Server data bindings window always collapsed

WAppler 6.1.1

The issue

The 'Server data bindings' window has everything collapsed by default.
This is new since wappler 6.

A very common thing that I do (I'm sure everyone does this?) is that you want to bind to something very close in proximity to what you're working on.

Let me visualize.

Imagine you are working in a server action with some nesting... It has a try/catch, a group, a condition.
Then you do a query:

Then you want to repeat over that query and do something else. So you create a repeat right underneath:

Then you want to select query as your 'expression' for the repeat:

I know that the thing I want to bind to, is going to be on the bottom the popup window.
But now I open it, and as you can see, I need to dig into the nested stuff to find it.
Previously, I could simply open that panel, scroll all the way down, click on the last variable and be done.

No need to think and waste energy on that.

As a workaround, I'm expanding it completely with the button.

  • That still adds a click every time I open that window, which is probably 100's of times a day.
  • that also expands the input fields which just makes it even messier to find what I'm looking for because of all the input vars (for example all $_ENV vars are showing up which is already ~10 of them).

The fix

Please just change it back to what it was: default expand the 'execute' part of the server action in that window.

Bump. Still annoying me daily :frowning:

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Bump from me too. I don’t remember exactly how it worked in W5, but I do know that this current version takes SO much extra time for a simple binding of most commonly a step in near proximity to the step being worked on.

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Yeah it is one of these things that seems small but it’s costing a LOT of extra time, and breaking the flow. Often I just want to quickly set a variable and I have that in my workingmemory. I know the position of the variable and name. Then I need to dig down and find it. Or expand all and process a LOT of text to find it.

I also don’t remember exactly how it worked.
I do know that the ‘expand all’ button is not a replacement. That expands way too much stuff that wasn’t expanded in the old version.

Fixed in Wappler 6.7.3

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