Server connect with NOT IN only excluding first ID in list

Wappler Version : 5.1.4
Operating System : Windows 11
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Centos 7 / CPanel

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

I have created a query that uses a NOT IN condition with an array of IDs which are separated by commas. It works ok for the first value. I create the same query in MySQL and run it and it works as expected.

This is the query in MySQL: SELECT * FROM bistrokitchenhours WHERE daynum = 6 AND kitchenhours_id NOT IN (94,95); As expected all records except where daynum = 6 and records 94 and 95 are returned.

Actual behavior

With the same SQL in server connect it returns all records except the first ID in the conditions list - if 94 is first it will exclude it. If 95 is first it will exclude it.

This is a screen grab from Chrome

Any thoughts?

That’s no a bug, but you just pass a wrong value.
The NOT IN (and also IN) condition expects an array and you pass a comma separated list (94,95)
You can split your comma separated values into an array using the split formatter:


Thanks Teodor,
That fixed it.
The NOT IN with SQL is happy with a comma delimited list so I thought it would be the same.