Server Connect Query Just Keeps Loading

I have never had this happen before and can’t figure out why it is doing it. I don’t have any action schedulers or anything like that one the page. It is only one recordset doing this.

Go to and open your developer tools. You will see that the tickets query is running constantly.

Hi Brad,
I see you are using the datetime component as a parameter value for a server action:


Are you sure it (the datetime variable) is not set to refresh on every second?


It’s actually set to hours … let me see why I am even using that. Hmmmm …

It was definitely the date time variable. I removed it and now it doesn’t keep loading. Have to find a different way to load that data. At least I know the cause now, thanks!

What are you trying to achieve using the date and time variable on the front end?

I was being a bonehead. Solved it with a simple hide attribute. I was just trying to hide buttons that are past the date.

I don’t know what I was thinking. Not an issue.

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